Long ago, when the world was brand new, all birds were naked. It wasn’t fair. Foxes had fur. Turtles had shells. Birds deserved warm coats, too.
Disgruntled, they approach the first full spring moon for advice. Birds of all shapes and sizes attend the meeting. Everyone except Peacock. He arrives on the scene late, to find his friends covered with warm, colorful feathers. “Look at Peacock! He’s still naked!” All the birds stare at poor Peacock trembling in the cold night air. What will Peacock and his friends do? Find out in this beautiful and charming pourquoi story about kindness.
Disgruntled, they approach the first full spring moon for advice. Birds of all shapes and sizes attend the meeting. Everyone except Peacock. He arrives on the scene late, to find his friends covered with warm, colorful feathers. “Look at Peacock! He’s still naked!” All the birds stare at poor Peacock trembling in the cold night air. What will Peacock and his friends do? Find out in this beautiful and charming pourquoi story about kindness.