Follow Joe Davis, the young Eagle Scout from New York's Finger Lakes, on his camping adventures in the Adirondacks through his Cornell University graduation. Share in the excitement of spending a summer in the Idaho wilderness working for the US Forest Service and then fighting fires, conserving the environment, and directing public projects with the Civilian Conservation Corps in Western Maryland.
You will learn of his many accomplishments as a BSA professional serving councils in Philadelphia, Washington, and Chicago, and especially Roanoke where he bought a mountainous tract that is still the largest council-owned scout reservation in the United States. Join Joe as he achieves national prominence as the Director of Camping at Philmont in the 1960s and 70s.
Meet the real man behind that unforgettable handshake.
Carry On! is the result of Joe's own memoirs supplemented with many hours of research, interviews with his contemporaries, the contents of personal journals and letters sent home, and essays submitted by those who knew him best. Learn how the Baldy Country was developed, what happened to the Ponil Men, how rock jocksgot their start, how Rangers performed in their finest hour, and just what it was like to be the first two female Rangers. You will discover how terrifying The Great Flood was at camps in addition to Fish Camp and Rayado, how the Conservation Department was started, and exactly what made Joe Davis the legendary leader that he was. And much, much more. Carry On! is the definitive history of Philmont Scout Ranch during those tumultuous years from 1965 through 1973.
182 Pages