It is only fitting that the Honor Camping Society of the BSA hold training and event at the premier BSA camping location in the country! The Order of the Arrow (OA) has enjoyed a long history of programs held at Philmont, beginning in the 1960s. It is just as Dr. E. Urner Goodman co-founder of the Order of the Arrow said in 1915:
"The Order of the Arrow is a thing of the out-of-doors rather than the indoors. It was born in an island wilderness. It needs the sun and rain, the woods and the plains, the water and the starlit sky."
Philmont is a perfect place to find the elements the OA needs. The OA trail crew is a wonderful example of its purpose in action. Created in 1995 it offers arrowmen an opportunity to join in cheerful service and in the formation of lasting brotherhood. The program is a fourteen-day experience. The first week focuses on trail construction and maintenance under the guidance of a Philmont trail crew foremen. The second week is a seven-day backpacking trek that is designed by the crew. It's not just about building trails and hiking. The OA trail crew is ultimately a journey that challenges scouts mentally, physically, and spiritually.
4" x 2.5"