Spring's Edge: A Ranch Wife's Chronicles

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Author: Laurie Wagner Buyer
Book Page #: 229
Book Size: 8.9 (H) x 5.9 (W) x 0.7 (Th)
Type: Paperback
Weight: 12.8
Publisher: University of New Mexico Press
Publish Date: April 16, 2008

Spring's Edge reflects life during one season on the modern-day Colorado cattle ranch Laurie Buyer once called home. Her diary recounts the day-to-day toil and the challenge of trying to find time to write while continuing to help with outdoor chores, cooking, cleaning, balancing the books, and working for a neighboring ranch. Chronicling a time of deep personal change, Buyer struggles with her role as a ranch wife, faces the diminishing vitality of an agricultural way of life, and nurses her father through a terminal illness. Buyer tries to bridge the gap between the rural world she cherishes and the inevitable encroachment of urban sprawl. Meanwhile, her writing of landscape and weather, livestock and wildlife, loneliness and intimacy capture the innate rhythms of relationships, the resilience of love, and the astonishing beauty of life on the land.